
WRPA - 13th January 2025 - WRPA delivers Vulnerability and Integrity programme

WRPA - 13th January 2025 - WRPA delivers Vulnerability and Integrity programme

January 2025

The PPF has funded a unique Vulnerability and Integrity education programme for Welsh rugby players. Delivered by Tim Jones and Phil Davies from Professional Together, senior squads and academies have attended sessions throughout December and January.

The bespoke education incorporated betting integrity within the threats that players can face on nights out and how their decision making and judgement can be clouded by alcohol with potentially career ending consequences. Betting Integrity education videos from the PPF website were used to remind players of the key rules and some helpful Dos and Don’ts when it comes to betting on sport. The consequences on careers and on reputations for players found guilty of illegal betting, sharing inside information or match fixing were also highlighted.

Other areas covered on the course included social media, drugs, alcohol, problem gambling, sexual conduct, safe driving and nights out. In particular Academy players learned about the impact of their emerging profile within Wales and in sport, making them vulnerable to match fixers and other threats.

WRPA Player Welfare and Membership Manager, James King said:

“The support from the PPF is invaluable and allowed us to educate and keep players safe especially those coming into the sport who may not be fully aware of some of the key issues around betting integrity. Everyone should know that they are not allowed to bet on their sport but by giving real life examples of others who have been caught, we are emphasizing the message that it’s just not worth it.

“At the same time, we have also highlighted the support available to players affected by harmful gambling, through our partnership with Ara - Recovery For All.”