The Rugby Players Association is delighted to announce a new online wellbeing education provision with Believe Perform for the coming 2020/21 season.
Believe Perform are a leading source of psychological, well-being and mental health content for the sport community. They provide online and interactive courses and online training plans across a range of subjects, as well as downloadable resources and short videos.
With this new relationship we hope to increase the proactivity and awareness around positive mental wellbeing in rugby, not just for you as players, but for the support networks immediately around you.
RPA members will have access to Believe Perform’s online content and be able to sign up for free wellbeing education courses and training plans, articles and infographics.
Further information on how you can sign-up to Believe Perform and access the free content will be sent out in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if you have any questions on this resource, or need any further information, please talk to your Development Manager.
The online wellbeing content is just one of several Wellbeing developments we hope to provide to RPA members this coming season. Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, numerous webinars and articles were produced and published to encourage conversations on a variety of topics. We aim to continue this with resources on topics such as:
Family (partner support, step families etc)
If you would like to share some insight and experience in these areas and contribute to our webinars or articles to help support others, then please speak to your Development Manager.
Remember the RPA 24/7 confidential counselling service is available to you should you need it. You can access the service in the following ways:
Call 01373 858080
Email - Deanna Tutty:
Text - 07966665817 (please state that you are an RPA member, provide the best number to call you back on and a good time to call)
Or via your Development Manager